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Winter Storm Cleanup and Restoration

As we say goodbye to the warm days of summer in Michigan, we also prepare ourselves for what is almost always a cold winter that brings damaging storms to metro Detroit.
When winter storms hit and dump several inches of snow and sleet on your home or business, the freeze-thaw cycle begins that can wreak havoc on the exterior or interior of your structure.
For example, here are a few ways that a winter storm or cold snap can impact your home or business:
Frozen Pipes. Both interior and exterior plumbing can freeze, thaw, and burst during extreme bouts of cold weather. Broken pipes can rapidly flood any floor of your home or business with water, or seep into interior and exterior walls.
Ice Dams. Heat loss from a home combine with outside temperatures to allow ice to settle on a roof. As ice accumulates it can create issues with the ability of the roof to withstand its weight and/or the ability for the gutters to properly drain the melting ice.
Roof Damage. The rapid freeze-thaw of ice and snow combined with the sheer weight of ice and snow on the roof can cause damage in the form of leaks or gaping holes.
Flooding. A damaged roof from snow or ice can lead to a leak that also damages ceilings with water as it finds its way onto any floor of your home or business.
Interior/Exterior Wall Damage. Sometimes water from the roof will leak in between interior and exterior walls. Large amounts can seep through dry wall and materials while smaller amounts can remain unseen. However, unseen leaking water also promotes the growth of mold when given the chance to gestate.
Structural Damage. In severe cases, large amounts of water can ruin the foundation of a structure leading to the need for large-scale repairs.
Contact Us for Winter Storm Damage Assistance
If your home or business becomes a victim of storm damage this winter, please contact us for assistance or contact us at (248) 988-9166 for assistance 24 hours a day.